Semi crunchy, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, first time momma

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Review: Rockin Green CD Detergent

I'm new to motherhood....and cloth diapering.  I've been cloth diapering for 4 months now, woo hoo!  I have experimented with different laundry soaps and have yet to find "the one".  I used All Free & Clear which does a great job at getting the stink out, but it's a pretty boring soap, LOL.  I bought samples of Rockin Green in marshmallow, orangevana, and I bought a BIG bag of the smashing watermelons.  Upon opening the bag of SW it didn't shock my senses like I thought it would.  I couldn't pick up a scent at all.  But it does work great at knocking the stink and funk out so no complaints there.  Same with the marshmallow.  No scent.  The orangevana reminds me more of patchouli than oranges, not a fan.  Surprisingly, I did really like the rage against raspberry soap.  It smelled yummy!  Another soap I have used is Crunchy clean.  Now THAT will shock your senses! Soooooo delicious I almost want to eat it!  Monkey farts will make you salivate.  You can even faintly smell it after the dipes are clean which I love! Downfall?  I have to buy it in samples from abbyslane because directly from the site shipping is $15.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my! so for now between samples of Crunchy clean I'm sticking with Rockin Green because it does the job, it just doesn't shock my senses..........

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Weight Loss and Life

I started weight watchers 3 weeks ago.  It has been the EASIEST way to lose weight that I have EVER tried.  I definitely packed on the pounds with little man and I am definitely in need of dropping a few, plus some!  I've already lost almost 10 pounds and I'm eating great.  I'm breastfeeding still so it's important that I eat so WW it is!  It would be nice if I could be so lucky as to not have to worry about weight and what-not but that is not the case.  In other news, baby has discovered his feet and loves to stick them in his mouth.  he rolled over for the first time on November 7th.  He is such an awesome little guy.  he is kind of serious....always brooding, maybe he'll be the next Hemingway, Borges, or Orwell. :)  I'm back in the kitchen and cooking again, which I LOVE.  My brain is soooo full of ideas lately.  I'm asking Santa for a sewing machine so I can start putting all of my ideas to work :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

2 Months down, 17 years and 10 months to go...LOL

Motherhood gets better with age as does life, LOL.  I believe we are officially past the transition from fun free loving-do-whatever-whenever happy young married couple to baby-is-king-of-the-house-we-are-his-servants stage.  I must admit that things are great.  LO (little one, get used to the acronyms') is such a fun little guy!!!! He loves to smile and talk and lets not forget to mention poop.  He loves being outdoors and being in our arms.  We have a pretty good schedule going now but for the most part we let him lead the way.  He gets really mad because he can't crawl yet.  He holds his bottle and will rip out his paci and chunk it around the room so that we have to go get it and wash it, repeat, repeat, repeat.  I've become accustomed to using the bathroom with the wonderful background sound of a wailing baby.  I no longer gag when I stick my finger in cold poop that somehow found its way out of the diaper onto the cribsheet.  I no longer freak out when I'm halfway to work and realize their is baby poop all over the sleeve of my cardigan. Like I said....Life is great.  So we have our 2 month checkup on tuesday...shots, YAY! we'll see how it goes!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Oh Baby! BreastFeeding and more....

LO is 3 weeks old now and cuter than ever! The first week home was the roughest week of my life! Talk about baby blues!!!!!!!  That was something I definitely didn't expect to feel but man is it real.  My husband was so great, helped out soooo much.  By the second week I felt a little better and this week I am definitely  a new person.  I can't say I'm my "old self" because I am definitely a changed person for sure.  I also chose to exclusively BF which has been a major challenge.  Until your doing it you don't realize how hard it is.  It consumes all of your time.  My day is planned around LO's eating schedule LOL.  The first few days were so hard.  LO was trying to latch and getting frustrated, and I was trying to latch him and getting frustrated.  The middle of the night really wore me down.  LO would just cry and shake his head like he was telling me NO, and I was so stressed out all I could do was cry because I was tired and just wanted him to go to sleep.  I wish someone had told me how difficult BF'ing would be.  It's only been 3 weeks but now I feel like its a breeze.  We still have our moments and going out is definitely not as fun, but that's our life now.  Sometimes I think it would just be so easy to give up and use formula so I could share the night feedings with my husband and share the feedings with anyone in general!  But when my sweet son is nursing and looking up and into my eyes I melt and it all feels worth it.  It's a bond you can't explain.  BF'ing is definitely challenging but the bonding you get is so rewarding.  We are starting to get on a pretty decent night schedule, but the days are still pretty much made up as we go along.  I'll be returning to work on tuesday, only 4 days left!  I am sad and wish I had more time, but then I'm also a little glad to get back to some normalcy.  I am curious to see how hard its going to be to stay awake at work too........until next time.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

He's Here!

So this is where it ALL begins, LOL.  I must say after 9 months of excitement and anticipation Labor is a VERY surreal experience.  After passing our due date we opted for an induction which went extremely well.  Once the contractions started I no longer had the burning curiosity that had been eating away at me for 9 months, to know what they felt like.  I did my best to go au naturel, but after 20 hours of intense pain I gave in and got an EPI.  There is a GOD! LOL.  36 hours after being admitted and just 7 minutes past the 24 hour mark since my water broke, I vaginally delivered (no episiotemy, YAY) a healthy 8lb 14oz baby boy.  I expected him to come out crying and screaming but he was surprisingly calm, just looking around at everbody with his little pirate eye (which he still does.  One eye wide open, one eye shut tight).  It looks as if I will have to share the roller coaster experience of our first 2 weeks home at a later date.  Little one is up from his nap and ready to nurse!