Semi crunchy, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, first time momma

Sunday, October 3, 2010

2 Months down, 17 years and 10 months to go...LOL

Motherhood gets better with age as does life, LOL.  I believe we are officially past the transition from fun free loving-do-whatever-whenever happy young married couple to baby-is-king-of-the-house-we-are-his-servants stage.  I must admit that things are great.  LO (little one, get used to the acronyms') is such a fun little guy!!!! He loves to smile and talk and lets not forget to mention poop.  He loves being outdoors and being in our arms.  We have a pretty good schedule going now but for the most part we let him lead the way.  He gets really mad because he can't crawl yet.  He holds his bottle and will rip out his paci and chunk it around the room so that we have to go get it and wash it, repeat, repeat, repeat.  I've become accustomed to using the bathroom with the wonderful background sound of a wailing baby.  I no longer gag when I stick my finger in cold poop that somehow found its way out of the diaper onto the cribsheet.  I no longer freak out when I'm halfway to work and realize their is baby poop all over the sleeve of my cardigan. Like I said....Life is great.  So we have our 2 month checkup on tuesday...shots, YAY! we'll see how it goes!